Saturday, February 23, 2019

Statistics on Measles

Here is the next installment of "By the Numbers" on the topic of Measles and Vaccines.

Reported measles cases in the U.S.  Actual number of cases is higher than reported.  The inset shows the recent uptick of cases.

For every 1,000 cases of measles, expect:
·   250 hospitalizations
·   100 ear infections
·   100 cases of diarrhea
·   20 cases of pneumonia
·   1.5 deaths
·   1 case of encephalitis
Known Side Effects
·   Soreness at injection site
·   4 in 10,000 experience febrile seizures
·   0 cases of autism

Other Facts:
·   Vaccine is 97% effective
·   90-95% inoculation rate is required for heard immunity