Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good news comes in threes or fours (or fives!)

In the fall, I wrote of my despair when hearing about three papers that had been rejected, all in the same week. Finally, all of these papers are in various stages of the publication process.

First, our paper on photo-mechanical optical devices (which we call PODs), just appeared in Optics Communications this month, which you can view by clicking here. I have talked about this work at several conferences, and I am getting very positive feedback. I am hoping to get this work funded in the near future. I believe that breakthroughs in this area could lead to amazing new technologies that will excite even the most jaded techies.

Secondly, the paper that got the nasty review, which I described in my post The Good, the Bad, and the Nasty, just got accepted. The letter from the editor is appended to this post.

A recent paper that we submitted to Advanced Materials, a high-impact journal, just appeared in print. This is a comment that my former student and colleague Javier Perez-Morena and I wrote on the work of some of our colleagues from Australia. We showed that their results were even more important than they originally thought - a happy outcome for all!

I learned about all three good news items this morning.

Finally, our paper on imaging studies of self-healing will appear shortly in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B. In addition, we have several papers that are in various stages of preparation and under review. New trials and tribulations surely await us!

***Update*** After all of this good news, I was pleased to learn of a fifth item of good news. In a previous post, I had talked about our newest Monte Carlo work, which we submitted to JOSA B. I just heard from Shoresh that this paper was accepted for publication with optional minor revisions. For once, the reviewers and I agree!

Letter from Journal of Chemical Physics

February 8, 2011

Title: The effect of electron interactions on the universal properties of systems with optimized off-resonant intrinsic hyperpolarizability

Author(s): David Watkins and Mark Kuzyk

Professor Mark G. Kuzyk
Washington State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Post Office Box 642814
Pullman, WA 99164-2814

Dear Professor Kuzyk,

The above manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics. You may receive requests from our office to ensure that all manuscript files are complete and suitable for typesetting. Once the manuscript files are in an acceptable format, they will be forwarded to the American Institute of Physics publication office.

This e-mail is the only notification you will receive of the acceptance of your paper. If you have questions about the production of your manuscript, you may find contact information for AIP production staff at...

No revisions of the manuscript can be made before the galley proof stage.

Sincerely yours,

Letter from Advanced Materials

Dear Dr. Perez-Moreno,

We are pleased to inform you that your Comment

"A Correspondence on "Organometallic Complexes for Nonlinear Optics. 45.
Dispersion of the Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Triphenylamine-Cored Alkynylruthenium Dendrimers". Increasing the Nonlinear
Optical Response by Two Orders of Magnitude." by Javier Perez-Moreno, Javier Perez-Moreno
Mark G. Kuzyk
has now been published online.

Your article is available from http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adma.201003421

The citation data and abstract (if applicable) are available free of charge from the same link; access to the full text may require a subscription.
Please use the above-mentioned URL to link to the article from your institutional homepage, e.g., on publication lists.

A reference to your article is also available from your personal homepage by selecting "Author" and then "My Published Articles".

Best wishes,

Advanced Materials
(Editorial Office)


  1. We should be able to "Like" the posts, just like Facebook! :D

  2. I agree. As you know, even more good news has been pouring in. So much that I am too tired (and busy) to post. We (and our decedents) should celebrate 2/8/11 every year.

  3. FYI, here is the review of our paper

    Re: JOSA B ms, Shafei and Kuzyk, "The critical role of the energy spectrum in determining
    the nonlinear-optical response of a quantum system"

    In previous work, the Kuzyk group has made use of universal quantum mechanical sum rules to identify the maximum possible molecular non-resonant first and second hyperpolarizabilities and compared these with experimentally measured values. In both cases there is a significant gap between the highest measured values and the theoretical maximum, suggesting that there is still room for improvement. More recent work has focused on attempts to determine what aspect of the energy level spacings and/or transition moment distributions in real molecules cause them to fall below the theoretical limit. In the present work, the authors select specific functional forms for the energy level spacings: harmonic oscillator-like (Ej ~ j), particle-in-a-box-like (Ej ~ j2), one-electron-atom-like (Ej ~ -1/j2), and five others. For each energy spectrum they use Monte Carlo sampling to randomly assign the transition dipole moments connecting these states subject to the constraints of the sum rules. They then calculate the first and second hyperpolarizabilities and compare them with the theoretical maximum values.

    This is a cleverly conceived study that leads to some nice insights despite the artificial (for real molecules) nature of the energy level constraints. It clearly reveals the importance of the energy level spacing in determining the largest attainable nonlinear responses, and suggests that molecules having “typical” energy level spacings will never closely approach the fundamental theoretical limits for β and γ. It also gives further support for the three level ansatz: that for any given choice of energy spacings, a system having only two contributing excited states will demonstrate the largest hyperpolarizabilities...
