Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Perseverance trumps intelligence

I have not posted here for almost a year.  Perhaps it's because I have fallen into a bit of depression.  On the bright side, I have been thinking about neat things and trying to build a deeper understanding on topics where everyone else has failed.  So most likely, I will fail too, which is not of great concern to me; rather, I feel that I have not been directing my energies into areas that will most certainly bear fruit, so I might be left in the dust as a result.  I can already see evidence that I am losing connections to my colleagues.

I am concerned that this depression is affecting many aspects of my job.  Reading an article earlier today that was published prior to me presenting the Distinguished Faculty Address in 2005 (click here for the link), I felt that the same narrative would not apply to me now because of this dark undercurrent that draws away energy.

This morning I got a glimmer of hope when I asked my 20-student mechanics class why they chose to major in Physics.  To fill the elongated pause, I offered, "To gain an understanding of how things work?  To use your knowledge to invent things?  To get rich?  To be poor?  You can do all these things with a degree in physics."  This generated a bit of laughter.  I then continued, "for me, I pictured myself being dirt poor, and living in a cave with a blackboard and some physics books.  I sold out and took a lucrative industry job at Bell Labs, which I disliked.  It wasn't that the work was uninteresting --  I ended up doing lots of fun physics, but I disliked the focus on a product."

I then went on, "However, I find it fun to make things and it was very enjoyable being part of a startup that I founded two decades ago.  We did everything from basic research, to making products, and it felt a lot like academics.  There was no boss telling us what to do.  We all did what needed to be done.  That company is now highly successful, but unfortunately, I got out of it years back before it took off."

Though the story brought back fond memories, I quickly got back into the subject matter.

Later in the day, I got an email from a student that said my question resonated with him and he described his passions and how a degree in physics would get him to his ideal career.  However, he admitted that the subject was difficult to him and that he was struggling.

My reply to him (edited to keep anonymity) :

Dear so and so,

A very famous and highly respected colleague of mine (and more senior than I am) once confided in me that he feels like a fraud.  Everything he does seems to take much more effort than it does to others and he feels barely afloat.  The well kept secret is that many people feel this way, especially the successful ones because it drives them to work to exhaustion.  Your approach is spot on; work hard to realize your dream.  And don't be concerned about exam scores;
I  consider exams to be a learning experience, so try to redo the problems and learn from your mistakes.  I will include a part of a problem from this exam on the next one to make sure you have learned form the process.

I always get myself into positions where I am struggling, because being challenged is a sign that you are learning and growing.  So relish the feeling that you are struggling and that you might at times feel stupid;  that's a good thing.  Check out  I also wrote on the topic a couple years back.  Take a look at

Bottom line is that I never worry about students like you.  I can see that you are attentive in class, that you are following the material, and that you participate when I ask questions.  Keep the passion!


I hope that this letter has sparked the beginning of a return to my previous self.  As I have found, writing this blog has therapeutic value even if it is never read.  So more posts in the future will be a metric of my success in overcoming my malaise.

The next topic for discussion may be my feeling of mental deterioration.  A faculty job requires multitasking at many levels, and I feel that in my older more feeble age, being diverted from actively practicing physics drains creative energy and dulls my senses.  That's something that needs to be reveresed.

I still get excited when I learn something new, and research continues to be stimulating.  The power of physics to explain phenomena, which can be harnessed to the betterment of humanity, is what attracted me to physics, and living with it throughout my lifetime has deepened my love for it.

That's a good starting point to build on...


  1. Mark, there are always times in our lives when we have doubts about why we are here and what we are doing. I am sorry you are having to go through this, but I must say, you are not feeble minded!!

    1. It's not really that bad, just a touch of the malaise. I think that it's a matter of feeling a little loss every day, my sharpness being chiseled away with age. But, I still have a great life. Just got back from floor hockey, which turns on a rush of endorphins...

  2. Mark,
    First of all, let me think you for steering me in this direction. Secondly it has not been an easy road, I would bet that if we averaged of our salaries (and retirement benefits, etc.) over the years since the founding you would far surpass me. The only reason I was able to survive was because of my wife and her ability to carry us when time were lean. There were many times I was a hairs breath away from losing it all. I made a lot of mistakes over the years, anyone of which could have been fatal to the company, and some almost were. I ended up being lucky and invented/developed the right things at the right time to keep me going. Just think about living with that uncertainty for two decades and how that would affect you. Even now with current events, nothing is guaranteed; it could all go away tomorrow.

    By the way “Perseverance trumps intelligence” are you saying I am not intelligent? LOL

    All that being said if you want to ditch academy and be among the wolves I would love to have you on the team.


    1. I've been pretty lucky. Being tenure track was stressful, but I just add stress to everything even when I don't need to. Money was never the goal, but working hard because you enjoy the work or the end product has always been my motivation. And in the end, financial security was just a byproduct.

      The perseverance was a reference to me. My family was steeped in the Ukrainian culture that respects education yet values hard work and perseverance. I was never all that smart and made up for it by not giving up. I definitely have some sort of dyslexia, which rears its ugliness when I solve problems; even when concentrating I make lots of mistakes.

      When it comes to Paradigm Optics, I am really happy that it is successful. I do not regret it in the least that it has taken off after I stopped being involved. You've done a great job building the technology and I am still impressed by those huge fiber towers that you built, which operate at speeds that would make the take-up spool an effective missile launcher. The fact that this grew out of my lab gives me great pride; but, you made the process orders-of-magnitude better and developed gangbusters products. I hope that someday you become a fortune 500 company!

      It would be fun to be involved. I still remember fondly my sabbatical when I spent some time building the photo mechanical interferometer in that new shiny lab at the research park. But we are pretty much tied to the area with because of family, so any involvement could not be full time. But that's for another day!

      Anyway, glad that things are going well and I wish you well. Your wife made a great investment!

    2. I know, I was just teasing about the perseverance. You will have to come out and visit sometime.
